
Marie Gibson and Tracy Gale are delighted to announce the merger of their practices to allow them to better serve their clients by offering local and national clients a full spectrum of managerial accounting, bookkeeping and training solutions. The firm is located in the heart of Reno at 1301 Cordone Avenue.

The Gibson, Gale & Associates team bring together 30 plus years of business and specialize in providing entrepreneurial and management services for small to medium-size companies, non-profits organizations, ranchers and farmers. Both Marie and Tracy are Advanced QuickBooks Pro Advisors. Tracy earned her business and accounting degrees at Morrison University Reno with a background in Business Management, while Marie received a Bachelor of Science at Virginia Tech, Masters of Business and Science at UNR and is currently completing her Doctorate of Educational Leadership at UNR. Marie is also an award-winning instructor, author and national speaker.
